Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fellowship News - I Got One!

Hello again. I'm getting all psyched up to go out to California in a few weeks and meet a whole bunch of other food and wine writers for a few days at the Symposium for Professional Wine Writers. My head's spinning a little bit since I was awarded a fellowship by Peju Province Winery to attend the symposium. I sent in a writing sample as a pipe dream, never realizing that they would choose someone who wasn't technically published yet. But to look at the list of fellowship recipients I am definitely the rookie, so there you go.
Though I have been very interested over the last year or so in pursuing this sort of writing as a potential career, I am usually so hung up selling wine to actually think about the writing end of things that I find so gratifying. This news has definitely put a little fire under me to get up and put more material on this blog and to get samples and articles out to magazines and publishers. We'll see what happens...

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